About Us


We're just getting started and have a lot of work to do. Notice something we screwed up on? Have an idea for something we could do better? Or just think we're awesome? Whatever it is, we want to hear it! Send us your thoughts at contact@based6.com


Who are the Sixers?

We are the ulimate superfans of Based-AF, Trashland, and…

What are the benefits to joining the Sixers?

You are a member of Trashland's most eliete basedheads. The as a Sixer you have the opportunity to influence how…

Am I eligible to join the Sixers?

To be eligible to join the Sixers you must hold a set of Basedheads. A set is one Basehead from each of the 6 major brands? (Fraz, 8008135, DGAF, ランダム Instant Foods, ShitHead, HedCrank)

How do I join the Sixers?

Join the BasedAF official Discord and request an invite in the arena channel.

What is a "Verified Sixers Account"?

Some Sixers materials and events are access restricted through Google SSO. A "verified Sixers account" is a Google account that we've confirmed belongs to you and you're a Sixer. For more information, ask for help in the Telegram channel.

Are the Sixers officially affiliated with BasedAF?

The Sixers are community formed by and for the fans of BasedAF and their work. We collaborate with them to make the best experience for all, but we are not officially affiliated with, nor do we represent BasedAF.